
We thought BBQ season would allow us to dine out on our patios or
balconies.  May 2020 does not seem to be cooperating.  Here is a great
alternative.  This freezes well.

SAUSAGE STEW from Janet and Kerry English
This is Kerry’s favourite recipe which he got from a former employee of Massey Ferguson at one of the many BBQ’s they had in the summer. Massey as we know it has been gone for 32 years but they still get together two times a year.

 5-6 large sausages (I use 2 hot Italian and 4 honey garlic)
 1 can Beef Consomme
 1/3 – 1/2 cup Red wine
 3-4 peppers diced

 1/3 cup BBQ sauce (I use Guy Fieri Mushrooms Brown Sugar sauce)
 Large sweet onion diced

Place sausage in a shallow pan and roast in 300F oven for approximately
one hour.
Cut into bite size pieces and put in crock pot.
While sausages are cooking, cook mushrooms, onion and peppers in a
small amount of olive oil until tender. Add to crock pot along with the beef
consume, wine and BBQ sauce.
Cook on low for 5-6 hours.
It can be made ahead. It’s actually better the second day.
I add different spices depending on my mood such as vegetable spice, or 6
pepper spice.
Thicken the sauce with cornstarch if needed.

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