
Wednesdays, 9:30 am (10:00 when it is Pub Lunch Day)

Dear Ramblers:

Starting August 7th, this is the plan for our Ramblers group. As no-one has come forward to take on the position of leader full time, we will have a list of 4 or 5 regular routes that we all have done and are familiar with. Listed below are a few them.
a. Brueckner Rhododendron Gardens to Snug Harbour
b. Lakefront Promenade
c. Snug Harbour to Adamson Estates
d. Tennis Courts off Clarkson Road along the Hydro Lines: Nine Creek Trail
e. Jack Darling Park 
For these familiar walks, there will be NO LEADER . I will send out an email on Monday morning as to where the walk of the week will be and the meeting spot. As such, no-one has to shoulder that role or commit to being there every week. We all have done these routes enough times now we should be able to find our way. There is no need to worry about weather issues either. If you want to show up, great. If not, that is fine too. It doesn’t have to be complicated with too many rules.

Tony and I will lead the Pub lunch every last Wednesday of the month and mix up the routes a little for that day. And if any other person wants to step up and lead a walk in some new area any Wednesday of the month, they just have to send their route to me and I will happily send it out to the group.

We are just trying to make this simple. We have all been together for a lot of years now and no-one wants to see the group fade away. For now, this is a way forward.

Look forward to seeing every one on Wednesdays!
Mary Ellen at freeman3.maryellen@gmail.com

For shorter walks you may wish to look into the River Walkers Group.