CURRENTS is the official newsletter of the Credit River PROBUS Club. It is published monthly and emailed to members to keep them abreast of club activities and to promote the club’s central objectives. Submissions are welcome as are new ideas and should be emailed to Lydia Koop,
President’s Message
The Bible says “thou shalt not steal”. It does not say “thou shalt not share”. Our Probus Club has been ticking along steadily for a few months now, since the ending of the Covid restrictions. We have had attendance at monthly meetings of around 90 people, or just a little less than a half of our membership. We have had outstanding speakers, for example in May, when our speaker had not only a vast amount of information at his command, but the presentation skills with which to share it.
However, just because our management committee is doing a great job, that is not a reason to sit on our laurels. That’s where the sharing part comes in. We have several members who belong to more than one Probus club. Many of us have friends who belong to clubs in their own communities in Southern Ontario or beyond. How do they run their meetings? Do they have ideas that we can share? One club has a meal as an integral part of the meeting – that wouldn’t work for us, as the cost would be too high. One has a regular ten-minute spot for members to talk about their past profession. That is something that might work. One has short overnight trips to places like Prince Edward County, or down into New York State for the Corning Glass Museum and other attractions in that area. One has dinner programmes as we do, but also separate dinners for the guys and the ladies. Is that a good idea? I really don’t know, but perhaps something to consider. There are other activities I know of – wine tasting, which we have had in the past, but which is currently dormant, beer tasting (my husband would probably join that one), cycling, board games (Scrabble, Clue, whatever takes their fancy), and undoubtedly others.
So, talk to your friends, find out what works, and bring forward your suggestions. Even better, bring forward your suggestions, and be prepared to run with them! As I have said before. This is your club – it
is up to the members to make it the best it can be.
Ada Dixon
You can find this month’s complete issue and past editions of CURRENTS here.
Read your copy of CURRENTS or see the web to find out more about Activities, Events, and Travel in our club.
Direct comments about CURRENTS to Lydia Koop, If you need to be sent another copy of CURRENTS please email