November 2024 CURRENTS

CURRENTS is the official newsletter of the Credit River PROBUS Club. It is published monthly and emailed to members to keep them abreast of club activities and to promote the club’s central objectives. Submissions are welcome as are new ideas and should be emailed to Lydia Koop,

President’s Message

In 1919, the Irish poet William Butler Yeats composed his famous poem, The Second Coming. In it, he reflected on the political, cultural, and social atmosphere of post-W. W. 1 Europe and indeed of much of the world. In those years, it seemed that there could never again be another war, never again could there be such destruction as the world was experiencing at that time.

The poem is also replete with Christian imagery and contains the powerful and challenging lines, “Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold.” I want to use that quotation as a way of looking at PROBUS clubs in general, and especially our PROBUS club. As we know, PROBUS is a volunteer-based, non-profit, non-political, non-sectarian fellowship organization with over 4,000 clubs worldwide, some 250 being Canadian clubs made up of over 35,000 members. In the case of our Credit River club, we have grown from an initial meeting at the South Common Community Centre in 2011 of approximately 50 people who were curious about the concepts of PROBUS, into the wonderful, dynamic and multi-faceted Credit River club that we have today.

As opposed to Yeats’ things fall apart, the centre cannot hold, the philosophy of PROBUS has brought us together, showing us the way to build and hold the centre. With dynamic monthly meetings where we talk with each other, share coffee, exchange news and opinions and with guest speakers exposing us to the world of ideas and imagination, we are left refreshed, challenged and stimulated with renewed energy. As a result, we have created a great tradition of activities and events that help to keep us all focused on our goals of physical, social and mental health.

And these are the reasons that lead us to join Credit River PROBUS. At our recent meeting, I spoke about the importance of caring daily for the body, the mind, and the spirit. Believing in that is why we all will continue to grow with this club, staying active in an ever-changing and sometime baffling world. In fact, and due in part to our high degree of volunteerism and the active participation of our members, not only do we hold our centre, we continue to improve on it, building on our past and looking forward to many years of strong and interactive community. –

Bob Warren, President CRP

You can find this month’s complete issue and past editions of CURRENTS here.

Read your copy of CURRENTS or see the web to find out more about  Activities,  Events,  and Travel in our club.

Direct comments about CURRENTS to Lydia Koop, If you need to be sent another copy of CURRENTS please email