
CURRENTS is the official newsletter of the Credit River PROBUS Club. It is published monthly and emailed to members to keep them abreast of club activities and to promote the club’s central objectives. Submissions are welcome as are new ideas and should be emailed to Nancy Hori,

President’s Message

As I write this in early September, I can reflect on the past eleven months as your club president and look forward to passing the leadership on to our very capable new president, Ada Dixon.

The PROBUS goals are Fellowship, Friendship, and Fun. I hope that the club achieves these goals in your eyes and that I as President, the whole management committee and other volunteers have met your expectations to maintain a vibrant Credit River PROBUS club during 2022/2023.
I know many of you are regulars at the social activities and events outside of the regular monthly meetings, and I have seen you at some of them. For the record, I do not play golf, do not like Scotch, have never played euchre and am not particularly good at bridge, so that is why you haven’t seen me at any of these activities. I really enjoy the dinner groups. Yes, I like to eat! To those volunteers who coordinate these social activities a great big thank you. If you think there is an activity that would interest other members such as this year’s start to ten-pin bowling, talk it over with our activities Director Frank Stepec. Of course I would also like to see you at the regular monthly meetings, where we do have speakers on not only interesting topics, but unusual ones too. It is also an opportunity to socialize with refreshments before the meeting as well as sign up for activities and events.

At our next PROBUS meeting we will be holding our Annual General Meeting (AGM). Our directors serve a twoyear term with fifty percent (50%) of them changing every year. Thank you to those whose term has come to an end and welcome to those just joining us as new members of the Management Committee. It is volunteers that like these that make the club run. I must also not forget to again mention and thank two very important people, non-directors, who also make the club run. Julie Kinkaid our webmaster and Nancy Hori, editor of CURRENTS.

I am about to leave on a trip to Lake Placid, yes in the MGB and will be taking the sedate route to Kingston alongside the lake and via Glenora Ferry I mentioned last month. We will see how far the leaves have turned in New York State.

Look forward to seeing you at our Annual General Meeting on October 26, 2023 at the Mississaugua Golf Club. Refreshments start at 9:45am and Annual Meeting at 10:15am.

John Burrows

You can find this month’s complete issue and past editions of CURRENTS here.

Read your copy of CURRENTS or see the web to find out more about  Activities,  Events and Travel in our club.

Direct comments about CURRENTS to Nancy Hori ( If you need to be sent another copy of CURRENTS please email