2019-2020 Management Committee

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2019-2020 Management Committee

Back: Bill Kingston, Bert Fonseca, Alan Gray, George Beagley, Judy DeMone, John Nixon

Middle row: Dorothy Davies, Judy Scott, Joan Nixon, Jan Hurley, Beverly West, Gillian Dennis

Front: John Anderson, Karen Colenbrander, Julie Kinkaid


Past President Julie Kinkaid and President Karen Colenbrander


Are you interested in:

a Wine Tasting Group

a Painting or Writing Group

a Bridge Group?

If so, please let Wally know at silasm1947@gmail.com

PROBUS Meeting Times

CRP Meeting times are 9:45 for social time, 10:15 for meeting start.


Be in Touch

Please be in touch with Donna Merrilees if you know of a situation where a card should be sent on behalf of the club.