Want to Upgrade Computer Skills?

Public Libraries offer easy to access and mostly free resources, many of which can be used in the comfort of your home, at your own pace, and on your own time.

Mississauga Library

  • Check out this website under Programs for a list of current computer programming such as Computer Buddies – Pair with a teen volunteer – or Microsoft basics
  • eResources  has information on just about anything and everything – Toronto Star issues going back to 1894; ELibrary for research; Gale Health and Wellness Resource Centre;

Oakville Library

  • TechBoomers – for older adults. How to use popular and trusted websites such as Facebook, Netflix, Linked-In and many more; GCFLearnFree – iPad (basics, camera and photos, synching, browsing and much more), PDF files; just about anything you want to explore; com (see above).
  • Check the Program tab on the Oakville website for one day Tech workshops.

Have a recommendation for on-line learning – please share it with us at crprobus@gmail.com

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