Just a Reminder about email scams within our club
Some club members have received spam mail asking for help. The request is usually in the name of an acquaintance which makes it very tempting to respond to. Here is an example: “Hi there, I need a favor from you and need your help. I’d appreciate it if you could email me back asap. Thanks, — ”
The message may sound real but do not respond and do not click on any links or attachments. A close look at the From address will usually alert you to a fake email. The best action is NO action except to delete it. You can call the acquaintance at a previously known number to make enquiries but do not respond directly to anything in the message.
Online Safety Tips from Halton Police and Peel Police.
A Reminder from McAfee about Senior citizen scams
Ontario has a K-12 Zone with tips for kids’ internet use.
Can you spot the difference?
maybank2u.com is not the same as maybank2u.com and citibank.com is not the same as citibank.com. The first one in each pair is correct but the second of each is from hackers. The “a” in the second ones is from the Cyrillic alphabet. The surest way to stay safe is never to click a link online. Instead, bookmark your favourite sites, or type the URL into your browser bar.
Fraud Prevention Here are some of the most common scams—and how to stay ahead of them.